Ultimate Recovery
Kale Buster is the original super food supplement. Benefits include: joint health, healthier teeth, gums, skin and hair, stronger ligaments and tendons, increased energy, liver detoxification, heart health, and improved brain function. All supplements are 100% drug free. Includes 120 capsules (take two per day). Kale Buster has bioavailable copper, it is a great pair with Immune Up it balances the zinc naturally.
One Time Purchase: $59.97
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Product Highlights
Kale Buster is debunking the myth that kale is actually a super food and should be added to every smoothie. Most people don't realize that raw kale contains anti-nutrients, oxalates, and lectins (which bind with nutrients and prevents them from being absorbed in the body). Kale contains vitamin K1, which is only important for blood clotting. The real super food is vitamin K2, which is the primary ingredient in Kale Buster.
K2 has has been shown to maintain joint health, healthier teeth, gums, skin and hair, stronger ligaments and tendons, increased energy, liver detoxification, heart health, and improved brain function. It does this by helping to maintain proper calcium balance in the body. Vitamin K2 helps the body put calcium into bones and teeth, rather than into soft tissue such as your arteries.
Kale Buster's desiccated beef liver highlights:
Rich in B vitamins, iron, vitamin A, and rare peptides.
Country of Origin: Argentina
1) Animal Species: Bovine
2) All animals born, raised and slaughtered in Argentina
3) Argentina is a country free from BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy)
4) The product is free from: additives, hormones, solvents residues and pesticides
Health Benefits
The vitamin K2 in Kale Buster can help reduce arterial stiffness, slow progression of vascular and valvular calcification, lower the incidence of diabetes and coronary artery disease, and decrease cardiovascular mortality.
The activity of vitamin K2 involves both an increase in the bone-building process and a separate decrease in the bone-loss process. Vitamin K2 exerts a more powerful influence on bone than vitamin K1, and should be considered for prevention or treatment in those conditions known to contribute to osteoporosis.
Kale Buster recharges liver cells increasing your detoxification power. Vitamin K2 supports mitochondria repair which support liver cell function.
Kale Buster sustains brain function by including all 8 B vitamins in the ratio nature intended.

A Solution for You
Kale Buster was formulated to give you all the benefits consuming beef liver in a capsule. This superfood can help your body in many ways, like improving your cardiovascular system and maintaining bone and joint health.
Quality Ingredients
Beef Liver

K2 MK-4
K2 MK-7