Ultimate Recovery
Detox Me is one of the easiest ways to get highly bioavailable micronutrients back into your diet. For example, Detox me is powered with valuable micronutrients like Betaine, Choline, Retinol, Thiamin, Vitamin B12, Folate, and many more.
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Product Highlights
Detox Me maximizes valuable K2 helping to boost energy, improve digestion, and support digestion and brain health. Vitamin K2 plays a role in the energy production of defective mitochondria, increasing energy production. Vitamin K2 (MK-4) is important for brain health, represents greater than 98% of total vitamin K in the brain, irrespective of age. Reducing inflammation in the improves overall health, a benefit of the K2 found in Detox Me. Molybdenum is an essential trace mineral and acts as a coenzyme supporting the metabolism of medications and alcohol. The buildup of sulfites is toxic to the body. Detox me is specifically formulated to aid in the elimination of sulfites.
Health Benefits
Energy production is restored because the vitamin K2 has improved electron transport in the mitochondria. Vitamin K2 plays a role in the energy production of defective mitochondria.
Vitamin K2 (MK-4) was found to represent greater than 98% of total vitamin K in the brain, irrespective of age.
If digestion isn’t complete, it can cause bloating. What you don’t digest, your resident bacteria will, and they’ll produce gas. Intolerance of lactose, the sugar in milk, is a common example, but it can happen with other foods, including starches, sugar, and vegetable fibers. Vitamin K2 may reduce inflammation in the gut, which in turn helps improve your overall health. You likely benefit from vitamin K2 because it can reduce leaky gut and toxins.
Detox Me is one of the easiest ways to get highly bioavailable micronutrients back into your diet. For example, Detox me is powered with valuable micronutrients like Betaine, Choline, Retinol, Thiamin, Vitamin B12, Folate, and many more.

A Solution for You
Your hardworking gut, brain, lungs, liver, and skin need support as they carry out their essential functions. Detox Me can support make a big difference in how well you feel and perform. These organs deal with air pollution, water pollution, contaminants in food, and naturally occurring toxic compounds made by plants and molds. We are exposed to toxins on a daily basis. Chemical substances that are usually foreign to the body, toxins can cause harm to cells, organs, and overall health when present in intolerable amounts. They can come from the air we breathe and the water we drink — they can also be present in the foods we consume. One of the most important ways to ensure that the human body stays adept at eliminating toxic chemicals is to consume a healthy diet and adding Detox Me.
Quality Ingredients
Beef Liver

K2 MK-4
K2 MK-7